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Through the Documents function, you can manage all documents attached to the customer account, regardless of the object to which the documents are attached.

You can add new documents and filter, search, edit and delete existing documents.


The documents list shows the name of the file, the name of the item attached to it and category. Click on a document in the list to edit it. To download a document, click on the document icon on the right side of it.

You can filter and search for documents using the following criteria:

  • The name of the document

  • The name of the connected object

  • The type of attached object

  • Document type

  • Document category

First select or enter the desired search and filtering criteria and then click the Search button.

Creating and downloading new document

Create a new document by clicking the Create new document button in the upper right corner.


Document name

Give the document a name. It can be a different name than the name of the attachment you upload to the service. The document name can also contain spaces and does not have to have a separate extension such as .docx. The maximum name length is 200 characters.

Document summary

You can also write a more detailed description for the document, the maximum length of which is 500 characters.


You can select the appropriate category for the document from the drop-down menu.

Attached to

The document must always be attached to an object in the service, such as a site, control point or device. First select the type of target to be attached from the Select target button.


If you selected "Clients, sites, blocks and control points" as the target type, select the target to be connected from the list and click activated Select target button. If you selected another target type, select the desired target from the list by clicking it.

Filter the target list if necessary by entering the name of the target or its part in the search field.

When you attach a document to an item, the document is also visible and available under the Documents menu of that item.

Attachment file

Click the Choose file button to select and upload an attachment to the service. File search and selection depends on the terminal device used.

When the attachment file has been uploaded to the service, its name is displayed on the screen. A preview image is shown for certain attachment file types. You can remove the attachment you downloaded from the trash can icon and download another file.

Saving the document

After entering all required information and uploading the attachment, click Save. To cancel the creation of a new document, click Cancel.

Editing and deleting an existing document

Open a document for editing by clicking its name in the list.

You can edit:

  • Document name

  • Document description

  • Category

  • Attached target

  • Attachment file

After making the necessary changes, click Save.

If you want to cancel the changes you made, click Cancel or the Documents link on the top left. Then click Confirm to confirm the undo changes.

If you want to delete the document, click the red Delete button. Then click Yes, delete document to confirm the document deletion. Note that you cannot undelete a file.

Usage rights

Data viewing

All client users

Data viewing and editing

Client document admin permission

Client admin permission

Creating and deleting documents

Client document admin permission

Client admin permission

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